Please be aware that Ashield D.C. has scheduled an Extraordinary General Meeting for 7pm Thursday 6th September 2018 at ADC offices.
According to the Ashfield District Council website notification:
The purpose of this meeting is to provide the Council with an update and to consider options for the Emerging Ashfield Local Plan.
The Council has two potential options available to it at the present time:
1. Wait until the Planning Inspector’s final report is received and consider the adoption of the Local Plan at that point; or
2. Withdraw the Emerging Local Plan and commence development of a new Local Plan immediately.
Obviously the above options have huge implications in terms of Mowlands site, so if any one from KARA would like to attend the meeting which is OPEN to the public (although the debate will be restricted to Councillors) please come along and join us and make our presence FELT if not heard.